Intelligent Issue 04 | Page 49



product in a ‘ brand ambassador meets helpdesk ’ combination .”
Striking the right balance with customer centricity and advocacy , he stressed , was at the same time crucial to College Ave and hard to find . It ’ s a demanding specification , Chas admitted , and said it probably took ACT somewhere outside its usual staffing protocol . “ Another thing is that as a startup , it was a very small engagement ; we required just three people .”
But great things often have inauspicious beginnings , and from day one , ACT set about impressing its new customer .
“ What made this unique is ACT provided agents who came to our office and worked among our colleagues . This was far from typical ,” Chas added .
“ On expansion it relocated the team to its Pennsylvania executive office suite , even making some building changes and creating a contact centre bay ,” said Chas . “ This was the first time we came to appreciate concierge and customer solutions that we could not have got elsewhere .
“ ACT has been part of our growth from day one . From the beginning , they put great effort into helping us succeed – and in my
Taking unusual routes to value
The atypical nature didn ’ t stop there . As College Ave rapidly expanded , so did its contact centre staffing arrangements .
When contracting with ACT , you ’ re not just getting agent capital but a leadership team in a box . www . intelligentfin . tech