Intelligent Issue 04 | Page 63



Branch , contact centre and digital channels all need to be underpinned by a reliable and high-performing network so that customers can keep transacting no matter what happens . Oshadha Ranaweera , Manager for Connectivity and Network Services at Somerville , tells us more about how connectivity is important to the customer experience .

Financial services has always been a customer service-led industry , but the focus on digitallypowered service elements has increased in recent years .

The pandemic forced banks and other institutions to think differently about customer interactions . Like other industries , banks digitised their contact centres and increased their use of chat ( and of chatbots ), enabling agents to handle multiple online queries simultaneously , or only the most complex problems , instead of having to answer ( often routine ) queries one at a time .
There is also now a greater use of communication channels built directly into banking apps , some of which route data about customer actions through Artificial Intelligence algorithms to determine financial products they might be receptive to or other similar conversation-starters .
At the same time , banks continue to digitally enhance the customer experiences offered through their traditional branch network .
For example , Westpac has revamped branches that are designed around an ‘ open and flexible layout , maximising front of house space with new digital technology including 24 / 7 self-service lobbies , iPads , digital marketing , video conferencing , WiFi , touch screens and teller cash recyclers .’ ANZ similarly has modular branches that offer ‘ 24-hour digital transactional zones ’ and are ‘ configured to optimise customer flow and provide a digital banking experience that is smooth and intuitive .
While customer improvement initiatives are occurring in all front-facing parts of financial services firms , there is always room for improvement . As one survey found , only 60 % of customers ‘ believe financial companies have created a seamless experience digitally and in-person ’.
Powering transactions , empowering staff
One way that customer experience can be enhanced is by boosting application performance at the branch and contact centre .
Wait times are a sensitive issue in all customer-facing environments . The software that powers transactions and service interactions at these sites mustn ’ t www . intelligentfin . tech