Intelligent Issue 08 | Page 31

CASHING IN automate daily cash reconciliation , bank balance reporting and other parts of the cash management process . Not only can treasurers remove repetitive timeconsuming work , but they can also access real-time dashboard information to help make timely decisions .

Treasuries are also currently highly sensitive to the exposure of their balance sheets to rapid changes in interest rates , currency fluctuations and commodity and supply chain risks as global financial conditions continue to decline . There is a low-code opportunity here to leverage more strategic and systematic options for currency hedging and take advantage of favorable hedging opportunities . Areas where low-code tools can yield the most benefit here include automating FX processes such as aggregating requests , initiating pricing requests and executing trade strategies based on favourable predesigned parameters .
An additional area of focus is that treasurers often rely on time-consuming manual processes for businesscritical tasks . For example , the collection and analysis of data for critical tasks , such as FX management , risk planning and merging ESG ( environmental , social and corporate governance ) reporting data .
Low-code-developed process management tools can be used to optimise these workflows , with treasurers able to choose from where data is automatically integrated in real-time . One possible outcome is automating management reporting – including automated data gathering , compilation and input into standardised reporting templates – which can be implemented incrementally across organisations to yield substantial efficiency gains . � www . intelligentfin . tech