Capitalising on the UK ’ s green shoots
In recent weeks , the UK ’ s private sector has enjoyed a surprise return to growth , with business optimism also improving after the country managed to avoid entering recession in the final quarter of 2022 . However , Rapyd ’ s report demonstrates the extent to which lingering fears abound amongstinancial decision-makers in UKbased cross-border businesses .
Overall concern about the current state of business was higher in the UK ( 49 % of
Speed , cost and efficiency continue to be the backbone of cross-border operations and expansion .
respondents ) than in G7 compatriots the US ( 34 %), Germany ( 26 %) and Canada ( 17 %). UK businesses also polled higher than the study average for market volatility concerns ( 41 %) and import / export challenges ( 35 %), perhaps reflecting the country ’ s recent domestic economic turmoil , combined with ongoing trading difficulties caused by Brexit . Notably , respondents also singled out improved cross-border
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