Intelligent Issue 18 | Page 45


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country ’ s population , estimated at 56.1 % according to data from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey ( PNAD ) by IBGE ( Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics ).
This underrepresentation extends to Argentina as well , where only 30 % of the tech workforce comprises women , according to data from the Argentine Software Industry Chamber .
Moreover , women ’ s absence from leadership positions exacerbates the gender gap in the sector .
This is why measures are urgently required to change this situation and to achieve gender access to these spaces historically occupied by men .
However , a global study carried out by the consultancy McKinsey , demonstrates that companies with greater gender and ethnic diversity are more likely to outperform their competitors in financial performance .
According to this research , companies with greater gender diversity report a 21 % better performance than those less diverse , while companies with greater ethnic diversity achieve a 33 % higher performance .
These numbers reveal a direct correlation between diversity and business success , highlighting the benefits of a diversified
Meerah Rajavel , CIO , Palo Alto Networks
workforce in pursuit of operational excellence and innovation .
Commitment to diversity fosters better business practices in organisations that adopt this approach .
Employees of these companies are more likely to have greater freedom , both in terms of their identity and their ways of working .
According to a study , employees of organisations perceived as committed to www . intelligentfin . tech