Intelligent Issue 20 | Page 25


Rahul Gupta , Director , Lending Services at Acuity Knowledge Partners
The mortgage industry is undergoing a major transformation driven by new-age technology solutions . With technological advancement , the industry is witnessing faster and more efficient loan approvals , thereby enhancing customer experience . The transformation is encouraging for both lenders and borrowers due to higher efficiency , reliability and transparency .
Prior to undergoing the digital transformation , the mortgage industry had to rely on lengthy manual processes , that were complex in nature and highly dependent on numerous physical documents . The process was time-consuming as the lender had to manually scrutinise information given by borrowers . The entire process worked without real-time data and was prone to errors , leading to poor decision-making . A lender had to rely on several assumptions and struggled to assess a borrower ’ s creditworthiness . Due to the lack of proper assessment , the industry witnessed several delinquencies and defaults , leaving little incentive for lenders . These were the causes of sluggish mortgage volumes , leading to the loss of potential business for the lenders . However , cumbersome manual processes have now been simplified with technology .
Lenders have implemented several digital transformation solutions including the use of data analytics and AI technology , leading to lower human intervention . With automated verification and validation processes , the industry saw a drastic decline in manual review efforts which , in turn , resulted in higher accuracy and faster decision-making . The mortgage industry has seen tremendous growth in mortgage volumes as the laborious process was replaced by real-time data through seamless integration with external data sources . AI-powered algorithms can
This month , I made my terrifying first step onto the property ladder . With the overwhelmingness of solicitors , and estate agents , and asking yourself ‘ Can I really afford this ?’, I thought I would use this month ’ s Editor ’ s Question to see how technology can support the mortgage process .
Rahul Gupta , Director , Lending Services at Acuity Knowledge Partners
analyse vast amounts of data related to loan offerings , and assess creditworthiness , employment histories and other pertinent details on a real-time basis .
The implementation of Virtual Reality ( VR ) and Augmented Reality enabled customers to explore properties remotely , leading to a higher level of convenience . We have also seen the implementation of Blockchain technology improve the overall security and transparency of mortgage transactions , reducing the risk of fraud . Lenders are now offering mobile applications that allow customers to apply for loans , upload documents , and track the status of their applications conveniently .
Lenders now better understand customer needs through the tracking of customer ’ s behavioural patterns , which helps them offer customised mortgage products and services . Additionally , the integration of a seamless digital process has replaced traditional paper-based signatures , which further allows the customer to sign documents remotely and accelerate the entire mortgage process .
Lastly , digital integration has simplified the entire process and enhanced real-time support services . This has proven to be cost-effective for the lenders as it has reduced overhead costs resulting in improved profitability .

E D I T O R ’ S Q U E S T I O N