Intelligent Issue 20 | Page 68


For many organisations , rather than adopting a starting point dictated by a particular type of cloud infrastructure , a better strategy is to ensure each workload is in the right place , irrespective of whether this is on-premises or hosted in a private or public cloud environment . This kind of workload-centric approach can help focus IT investment more precisely against specific scale , performance and compliance parameters .
More specifically , a hybrid cloud approach could result in hyperscale infrastructure being used for requirements that must
be delivered at scale . At the same time , on-premises technologies or private clouds can be adopted for specific workloads where security is paramount , where redundancy , resilience and Disaster Recovery are key requirements or in organisations where legacy technologies continue to play an important role .
As recently as 2021 , for example , over 90 % of the UK ’ s financial firms were still relying on legacy technology to some extent . With a workload-centric approach , organisations can carefully select the most appropriate cloud execution venue for any legacy technologies that require modernisation or form part of a wider Digital Transformation strategy . In some cases , ageing software will
Chris Jackson , Chief Product and Technology Officer at Six Degrees work most effectively on legacy hardware from the same era , underlining the value of a pragmatic approach that doesn ’ t go ‘ all-in ’ with one infrastructure option .
In the current UK context , where Digital Transformation is a key focus for many organisations , the scalability and adaptability of hybrid cloud infrastructure supports long-term growth in a controlled environment . This scalability is especially relevant for companies undergoing significant Digital Transformation processes by offering a stable platform for innovation and expansion .
AI innovation will require effective cloud infrastructure
In the last 12 – 18 months , cloud strategies have also been subject to a major new transformation trend – the growth of
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