Intelligent Issue 20 | Page 9


SoftBank uses SandboxAQ ’ s AQtive Guard to identify undetected security vulnerabilities

SandboxAQ has confirmed the successful deployment of its AQtive Guard cryptography management platform by the Advanced Research Group of SoftBank .

As part of the validation process , SoftBank leveraged AQtive Guard to monitor a local government network for potential cryptographic vulnerabilities . As a result , it discovered several government servers were using non-recommended encryption methods or sending unencrypted traffic and detected several vulnerable certificates that required updates .
The SoftBank team was able to then take the appropriate actions to resolve those issues . SoftBank and SandboxAQ have previously partnered on several successful PQC-related projects . In March 2022 , the companies collaborated to jointly implement a next-generation cryptosystem resilient to cyberattacks from quantum computers and verify the use of PQC for practical applications such as VPNs .
In February 2023 , the companies collaborated to jointly verify hybrid-mode quantum-safe technology . The proof of concept confirmed that combining elliptic curve cryptography ( ECC ) and PQC algorithms in a hybrid approach could be applied to existing networks with minimal impact .
In the US , the National Institute of Standards and Technology is promoting the Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography project in anticipation of a quantum computer capable of decrypting the 2048-bit RSA cipher by 2030 and will determine the cryptographic algorithms to be adopted as PQC in 2024 .
Migrating to these new cryptosystems , deployed via cryptographic agility , can help with adoption of zero trust architecture

Bitsight and Moody ’ s launch new cyber-risk solution covering more than 325 million organisations

Bitsight and Moody ’ s have announced the launch of the Implied Cyber Threat ( ICT ) – an offering built on Bitsight ’ s leading cyber-risk analytics engine and Moody ’ s Orbis company database . The ICT provides cyberrisk insights and valuable market context for more than 325 million organisations worldwide – the highest coverage in the market by a factor of over 25x . Matt McDonald , Managing Director , Moody ’ s , said : “ The ICT will help our customers assess their third-party cyber-risks . The scale of the ICT is a major advancement that will help provide actionable cyber-risk insight into extended business ecosystems .”

The ICT quantifies the inherent cyber-risk for an organisation based on Moody ’ s leading firmographic indicators including company size , sector and geography , plus a unique subset of Bitsight ’ s risk vectors including botnet infections and open ports .
The result is a highly actionable inherent risk indicator , with a significant correlation to breach and ransomware .
“ Our partnership with Moody ’ s is rooted in helping global institutions better understand , quantify and respond to cyber-risk . By bringing together Bitsight cyber analytics with Moody ’ s leading company information , the market now has a powerful mechanism for assessing cyber-risk at scale ,” said Derek Vadala , Chief Risk Officer , Bitsight .
“ The launch of the ICT is a critical step forward in ensuring cyber-risk assessment capabilities are highly accessible and understandable to all business audiences .”
The ICT is now available to customers of Moody ’ s Orbis and Catalyst offerings . www . intelligentfin . tech