Intelligent Issue 21 | Page 45



Speaking the CFO ’ s language
Communication is key to any relationship and the partnership between marketing and finance is no different .
As the marketer ’ s toolbox continues to grow and they have access to increasingly detailed analytics , it is crucial that other departments are kept up to date with marketing activities and how these will impact the business .
When sharing this information with finance , it needs to be conveyed in a way that aligns with the team ’ s objectives .
This means moving away from qualitative brand metrics and instead
Shared goals can be used to work towards common outcomes , encouraging teamwork and removing the likelihood of departmental silos .
Greg Dos Santos , CFO , Incubeta Americas
presenting quantifiable data that connects marketing activities to financial outcomes and shareholder value .
With the sophisticated tools marketers now have available to them , it has become far easier to depict the customer journey and accurately demonstrate the success of a campaign . Much of the insights gained can be used to drive future strategies , however , to secure buy-in and budget from the CFO , there needs to be a focus on the key financial www . intelligentfin . tech