Greetings and a warm welcome to Intelligent Fin . tech . We trust you have had a rejuvenating month and are eager to delve into this newest edition .
For our cover story this month , we hear from RaviShankar Subramanian , Executive Vice President and Head of Banking Practice at Hexaware Technologies , who discusses the impact of technology on financial literacy among young people . He explores how digital banking , personalised financial education , and strategic partnerships can shape the financial futures of tech-savvy generations .
“ FinTechs have a crucial role to play in digital banking education , providing the cutting edge financial literacy content and tools that their customers need . They are well-placed to provide practical experiences based on real-world scenarios that can really drive people to develop and use digital banking technologies in the right way ,” said Subramanian . Read the full interview on page 48 .
With 56 % of financial institutions adopting faster payment technologies and one in three Brits now using mobile contactless payments , the need for robust security measures grows . Recent studies highlight advancements in payment systems and the increasing importance of safeguarding against fraud . Read more on page 17 . The recent election ended the
Conservative ’ s power and placed the UK in the hands of a Labour government . I ask experts : What do FinTech experts really want from a Labour government ? Jeremy Baber , CEO of Lanistar , Waseem Mirza , award-winning techie presenter and Rupert Brown , the CTO at Evidology Systems offer their thoughts on page 25 .
The movement of money translates into economic activity and African nations that are witnessing a fast growth of payments in their local currency will also experience growth of their digital economy and growth over a broader economic landscape , says Arthi Narayanan at Synthesis . Read more on page 32 .
We hear from José Fernando Martínez , Chief Compliance Officer at MAPFRE AM on page 39 . He discusses the rise in regulation in the asset management industry over the past 26 years , the same number of years he ’ s been working at MAPFRE AM . In fact , he notes that there ’ s been an acceleration ‘ in this process of hyper-regulation , which seems more like a headlong rush .’
We also have a range of ‘ Intelligent ’ pages , which feature the latest strides in the cloud , security , mobile , software , Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence space .
I hope you enjoy this issue and if you would like to contribute to any future editions then please do not hesitate to contact me .
Ellen Flannery , Editor www . intelligentfin . tech