Intelligent Issue 24 | Page 12

AI-powered cyberthreats are too overpowering for over 50 % of security teams

Over half ( 54 %) of Chief Information Security Officers ( CISOs ) feel their security team are unprepared for evolving AIpowered threats , according to research from Absolute Security .

250 UK CISOs at enterprise organisations , via independent polling agency Censuswide , to assess the state of cyberresilience , AI and the cyberthreat landscape in the UK .
The findings were uncovered in the Absolute Security United Kingdom CISO Cyber Resilience Report 2024 which surveyed
According to the NCSC , AI will ‘ almost certainly ’ make cyberattacks against the UK more impactful , because threat actors will be able to analyse exfiltrated data faster and more effectively and use it to train AI models .
Almost half ( 46 %) of CISOs believe that AI is more of a threat to their organisation ’ s cyber-resilience than a help , highlighting AI as a potential danger in safeguarding organisations from cyberthreats , rather than strengthening cyber-resilience .
Additionally , 39 % of CISOs have personally stopped using AI due to fears of a cyberbreach , and 44 % have banned AI use by employees at their organisation due to fears of a cyberbreach .
Andy Ward , VP International of Absolute Security , said : “ Our research has highlighted the significant danger posed by evolving AI threats , and we urge organisations to strengthen their cyber-resilience structures to cope . As AI-driven cyberthreats continue to advance in complexity , proactive measures are essential to safeguard sensitive data assets and mitigate the associated risks .”
Searchlight Cyber Report reveals rapid changes in ransomware landscape over six months

Searchlight Cyber , the Dark Web intelligence company , has released its latest report , revealing key ransomware trends for the first half of 2024 .

Ransomware in H1 2024 : Trends from the Dark Web showcases how the ransomware scene has shifted since the release of its annual ransomware report 2024 at the start of the year . The report offers key insights drawn from Dark Web intelligence to help organisations bolster their defences against emerging threats .
Luke Donovan , Head of Threat Intelligence at Searchlight Cyber , said : “ As we ’ ve seen in the first half of 2024 , the ransomware landscape is not just expanding , it ’ s fragmenting . With over 70 active ransomware groups now in operation , the ransomware landscape is becoming more complex for cybersecurity professionals to navigate .” �
The report shows how – in just six months of the year – one of the biggest ransomware groups ( BlackCat ) ceased operations , a new gang ( RansomHub ) emerged in February and quickly established itself as the third most prolific ransomware group , and outlines the effects of devastating attacks executed against organisations .
The report also profiles new entrants in 2024 including APT73 and DarkVault , potential offshoots of the disrupted LockBit , who are expected to become significant threats in the near future . Quilong , a closed ransomware group that emerged in April 2024 , also had a significant impact in the first half of the year , targeting healthcare organisations in Brazil .
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