Intelligent Issue 20 | Page 19

GAUGING THE MARKET including its potential use in dating apps , to manage risks and establish best practices .

Implications of this innovation
While the excitement about this tech-forward matchmaking is palpable , questions concerning its wider implications arise . Could this technologically fuelled pursuit of love and compatibility lead to bias or exclusion based on financial habits ? Or could it potentially gloss over the organic growth of relationships , making things too transactional ?
“ Technology , at its best , is an enabler , not a determiner ,” comments Adler . The future of dating , governed by AI and augmented by financial compatibility , creates a sea of opportunities to explore , understand , and act . However , like every technology , it will require wisdom to utilise and balance the human factor inherent in dating and relationships .
Looking forward , the success of this innovation lies in creating a dating landscape that is more transparent , compatible , and meaningful for individuals , one grounded in the values of authenticity , mutual compatibility and respect .
As we navigate the tech-transformed dating world , these key tenets should guide our quest for love and companionship .
Research by : https :// repocket . co / � www . intelligentfin . tech