Intelligent Issue 20 | Page 20



Key insights on marketing trends that will impact the coming year , with data gathered from leading industry professionals .

Amongst the backdrop of noise surrounding The EU ' s AI act and new AI-powered FinTech , the financial services sector ' s focus on Generative AI has hit new heights .

This is according to Mediaocean ' s new 2024 Financial Services Advertising Outlook Report , which surveyed marketing professionals from the FS industry .
Having not even featured in the previous year ' s report , Generative AI was voted the most important consumer trend , highlighting its meteoric rise . In the report , 55 % of respondents see GenAI as a critical trend , beating CTV / streaming ( 47 %) and TikTok / social video ( 42 %). This result is surprising , with the widely documented trend of younger consumers turning to social media for their financial information .
Other key findings include :
• Social media and digital display / video investment look set to skyrocket : Around 75 % of FS marketers plan to increase spend into both these channels , with the growing number of people consuming financial advice through social media and video
• More FS marketers use GenAI for data analysis than content generation : data analytics led the way for GenAI use cases ( 36 %), with 33 % of respondents using it for copywriting .
See the full report here .
Having not even featured in the previous year ' s report , Generative AI was voted the most important consumer trend , highlighting its meteoric rise .
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