Intelligent Issue 24 | Page 61



and creating a ‘ North Star ’ for everyone to strive towards . I believe in a mixture of relational , vision-led and solution-oriented leadership , and prioritise the well-being of those who work alongside me and those who are up-and-coming – just as much as I do my fellow board members . I encourage this ethos in others . It may sound cliché , but I ’ m genuinely a people person , both within the company and in my interactions with the external community of technology leaders . By working together and supporting each other , we can achieve more .
What do you think has emerged as the technology trend of this year and why ?
Generative AI is currently a major focus , with its use cases expanding across various disciplines in both our client ’ s businesses and our own . This year , many businesses have shifted from merely theorising about AI ’ s potential to running pilots that are now being scaled and delivering tangible benefits . These applications span corporate areas like marketing and finance , supply chains , and beyond .
Clients are increasingly turning to a range of partners to support their AI decisionmaking . While major consultancies are still involved , there ’ s a growing trend towards engaging niche AI businesses and specialist recruitment firms that excel in sourcing talent in emerging tech areas . The key is to hire individuals who not only discuss AI but have hands-on experience with its implementation and the accompanying business and process changes . This talent pool is expanding and is a focus of our talent businesses .
AI has transitioned from a key theme to a core concern for all business leaders this year . With a range of new , potentially game-changing products becoming widely available , leaders are now intensely focused on leveraging AI to gain a competitive edge while navigating the significant risks associated with this evolving field .
What do you currently identify as the major areas of investment in your industry ?
We recently conducted a survey with an independent polling company , where we asked over 700 board members in the UK , US , Germany and the Netherlands about their technology priorities . The big investment areas were cyber and AI . It ’ s no surprise that these are at the top of the list . In a world with ever-increasing cyberthreats , businesses risk reputational damage and substantial revenue loss if cybersecurity isn ’ t robust .
On the other hand , boards are worried about being left behind if they don ’ t leverage AI to allow their people to achieve more through augmented working practices , and their customers to have slicker and more intelligent interactions with their businesses . There ’ s a real dichotomy here though – cyber is about reducing risk , and the use of AI can open up risks . It ’ s a balancing act that the C-Suite need to master .
How do you deal with stress and unwind outside of the office ?
Our toddler can wrap me around her finger and can command my full attention with just a look . No matter what happens in the office , my family keep me grounded . It ’ s a joke among my colleagues that I ’ m always on holiday , as my wife and I love to travel . The ability to work remotely helps , of course . I also cycle and still play football , but these days it ’ s more for friendship and exercise than the trophies .
If you could go back and change one career decision , what would it be ?
While I might have considered a career in sports at one point , I truly love my current career choice . It keeps me engaged and challenged every day – I have no regrets and wouldn ’ t change a thing .
What are the region-specific challenges when implementing new technologies in Europe ?
When implementing new technologies in Europe , the challenges can vary by region . These challenges include navigating different legal regulations , handling currency fluctuations , integrating with existing systems and addressing talent availability .
What changes to your job role have you seen in the last year and how do you see these developing in the next 12 months ?
I ’ ve transitioned from being CRO across our talent group to serving as MD of one of our largest business areas . This role involves more hands-on people leadership , as I now oversee several talented Directors who manage teams and navigate market challenges . Additionally , I ’ ve become an Operating Partner with Haatch , a multi-fund VC company . I enjoy learning about their SaaS businesses , the problems they address , and the entrepreneurs behind them . Over the next 12 months I ’ ll continue to contribute to the direction of our group , I ’ ll help the leaders I work with to grow their markets and I ’ m sure I ’ ll continue to expand my knowledge in the ever-changing world of technology . � www . intelligentfin . tech