Intelligent Issue 26 | Page 41

I N D U S T R Y O U T L O O K importance on receiving feedback from clients . After all , feedback is crucial for suppliers ’ understanding of how they performed and what changes they might need to make for future bids , so that they can secure more work .

I N D U S T R Y O U T L O O K importance on receiving feedback from clients . After all , feedback is crucial for suppliers ’ understanding of how they performed and what changes they might need to make for future bids , so that they can secure more work .

For buyers , failing to provide feedback could actually lead to them being in contravention of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 , which require authorities to ensure that their procurement exercises are conducted fairly . As such , by relying on eTendering portals that don ’ t allow them to leave feedback , buyers heighten the risk of incurring civil penalties under this legislation .
3 . No single source of truth
Many buyers also find themselves hamstrung by eTendering because portals fail to provide the functionality to easily source and manage compliant suppliers through a single source of truth . This means that , in many cases , they are forced to use multiple platforms to oversee the procurement process .
In doing so , buyers risk increasing the time they spend on managing the procurement process and associated costs . What ’ s more , it also makes it considerably harder for them to source compliant subcontractors – which in itself carries significant risks , such as liability for serious harm or contractor insolvency .
4 . Not enough use of data
Despite the various drawbacks associated with eTendering , the future of tender management very much lies in digital www . intelligentfin . tech