O U T L O O K solutions that can provide buyers and suppliers alike with the best and most up-to-date information . However , many businesses are being held back by their overreliance on historical tender data and outdated tender text libraries . This means that suppliers run the risk of providing inaccurate information in bids , which buyers may then make poor decisions that the issuing of contracts is based on . As a result , the tender management process can become disjointed , potentially leading to a drop in standards for project delivery .
O U T L O O K solutions that can provide buyers and suppliers alike with the best and most up-to-date information . However , many businesses are being held back by their overreliance on historical tender data and outdated tender text libraries . This means that suppliers run the risk of providing inaccurate information in bids , which buyers may then make poor decisions that the issuing of contracts is based on . As a result , the tender management process can become disjointed , potentially leading to a drop in standards for project delivery .
The answer is a tender management platform that combines compliance checking and eTendering , which ensures buyers have access to pre-qualified suppliers without breaking the bank .
5 . Tenders set to rise
The various technological challenges that suppliers face are exacerbated by the fact that the number of available tenders are set to increase in the years ahead . According to the House of Commons Library , published budgets suggest procurement spending increased by around 5 % in 2023 / 24 , and is anticipated to rise by a further 3 % in 2024 / 25 .
Of course , the number of tenders on offer can be a good thing for suppliers but can be overwhelming if they lack an effective solution for keeping track of the various opportunities on offer . On top of this , the resulting increased workload can place a significant strain on main contractor tender teams , which can also be challenging if they don ’ t have the right tools at their disposal .
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